DK Farma Wiatrowa Sp. z o.o. (DKWF) with its registered office in Gdańsk was established for the purpose of development and operation of the Dobieszewo Wind Farm in the Dębnica Kaszubska Local Authority, Słupsk District. The Spanish Uriel Capital Group is the majority shareholder of the company. The other shareholder is a Catalan family company Gestio E.S., S.L.


The Dobieszewo Wind Farm consists of 6 Vestas V126 wind turbines with a capacity of 3.45MW each. The turbines have a height to rotor HH of 117m and a propeller span of 126m, giving a total height of 180m. The total power of the installation is 20.7MW. The power is fed out via a 9.6km long underground 30kV medium voltage cable to the GPO DK substation located in Dębnica Kaszubska. The GPO is equipped with a 25MVA 30/110kV transformer and the generated power is supplied to the grid via a rail bridge connecting the GPO DK with the Energa-Operator S.A. substation. The total construction cost will exceed PLN 100 million net. During the planned 30-year operation period, the farm will generate over 66GWh of electricity each year, enough to power more than 15,000 households and contribute to the reduction of over 50,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.


The development of the Dobieszewo wind farm project started in 2008. In 2013 the municipality of Dębnica Kaszubska passed a Local Spatial Development Plan allowing for construction of 6 wind turbines near the villages of Dobieszewo, Troszki and Dobieszewko. In February 2015, the project received a Decision on Environmental Conditions and in autumn of the same year a Decision on Construction Permit. In March 2016 the Decision on Construction permit received its final planning permission. In autumn of the same year the investor started construction – preparatory works, geodetic delineation of the object in the field – but for legal reasons (Distance Law, Act on RES) the construction work could not start. The Investor was obliged, by the legislative changes, to participate in a tender process organised by the Energy Regulatory Office. The project started in the first bid in the tender announced in 2018 was unsuccessful and only the bid in December 2019 was accepted and the projectthe second auction organized in December 2019 was successful and the project could be resumed. At the end of May/early June 2020, DK Farma Wiatrowa signed a contract with Vestas Poland Sp. z o.o. for the supply, installation and commissioning of 6 wind turbines and a contract for construction and energy works related to the farm’s infrastructure with the consortium of PBDI S.A. (now ONDE S.A.) and ERBUD S.A. Delivery of the turbines was scheduled for October 2021. Construction work will commence in May 2021. In July 2022, the Wind Farm received an Occupancy Permit and operations began.


Each year DK Farma Wiatrowa will pay around PLN 500,000 in property tax. of property tax to the Municipality. Additionally, under the land lease agreement with Dębnica Kaszubska Municipality, DK Farma Wiatrowa will pay about PLN 200,000 in rent each year.. of rent each year. This means that during the period of operation more than 20 million PLN will come into Municipality coffers. In addition to this, the company has reached an agreement with the Municipality for the implementation of compensatory investments in the vicinity of Dobieszewo. On the basis of the agreement, the Company paid a one-off amount of PLN 250,000 and undertook to pay the Municipality an annual amount of PLN 25,000 during the 30-year operating period (30 years) to be allocated to the Dobieszewo Village Fund. The Company also signed an agreement with the County Roads Management in Słupsk on the strength of which it will contribute PLN 800,000 for the reconstruction of the County Road 1178G on the section from the bridge over the river Skotawa to Dobon the section from the bridge over the Skotawa river to Dobieszewo.

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